
Art Verve Academy - Policy

Art Verve Academy policies are rules, guidelines, or best practices to protect the organization, instructors, and students or learners.

We strive to maintain a professional environment for all. If there is a discrepancy between oral communication, the text on this website supersedes any verbal, text, or email communication. For transactions, visit the terms and conditions page.


See below.

Updated May 5, 2023

We believe in transparency and are committed to being upfront about our privacy practices.


We ensure that all personal data is confidential.


We will only share your personal information with other learners after your written permission has been provided to the administration.

Database Requirements

When you use our services, you trust us with your information; we understand this is a big responsibility. Our database is required to be encrypted at all times using military-grade AES-256 encryption.

Updated May 5, 2023

We believe in transparency and are committed to being upfront about our practices for collecting personal information.

New Students

We ask that you complete a one-time new student information form online that asks for personal information. We use this for admissions, communications, or emergencies only.

We define personal information as anything that includes your name, address, date of birth, email, phone number, emergency contact information, financial records, credit information, medical history, resumes, travel information, or intentions to acquire goods and services.

Updated May 5, 2023

We do NOT discriminate against individuals with disabilities based on gender, race, color, sexuality, national or ethnic origin, or religion.

Updated May 5, 2023

Adults ages 16 & up (or accompanied by a guardian) can register or enroll for any class, workshop, or event.

Updated May 5, 2023

Our guideline is a maximum of 13 per class.

Every instructor can set maximum enrollment per their unique class, workshop, or lecture.


See below.

Updated May 5, 2023

Our administration provides services that enable us to accomplish our mission.

We follow United States federal and Arizona state laws. Federal laws apply to everyone in the United States. State and local laws apply to people who live or work in a particular state, commonwealth, territory, county, city, municipality, town, township, or village.

Updated August 13, 2021


The Art Verve Academy follows guidelines set forth by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Visit their website to familiarize yourself with the latest up-to-date information.

Expectations for Learners

If you have not been vaccinated or tested for COVID-19, it is strongly recommended that you use the free online CDC Coronavirus self-checker tool. It will help you decide whether to seek COVID-19 testing and medical care or safely register for classes or workshops.

After registration, be alert for symptoms. If you feel unwell, do not attend in-person events, even if you have been vaccinated. Inform us immediately using the contact form. We will refund your tuition, no questions asked.

Please visit and follow the current CDC guidelines for guidance on wearing a mask.

Expectations for Instructors

Instructors will wash their hands often. They will set up tables for social distancing and may a microphone in large classrooms to be heard from a distance.

Administration Procedures

All registrants will receive a full refund if any class or workshop is canceled due to pandemic concerns.

All frequently used studio equipment and surfaces will be disinfected or cleaned before class or workshop.

Updated May 5, 2023

Color Palette

For a quick overview of our color palette, see below.


#3B2B85 Darker option for text
#333399 Web-safe

RGB: 68, 59, 152
CMYK: (C:55, M:68, Y:0, K:41)
Pantone: 2104 C

Accent or Hypertext


RGB: 171, 23, 171
CMYK: (C:0, M:87, Y:0, K:33)
Pantone: 253 C



RGB: 195, 185, 228
CMYK: (C:14, M:19, Y:0, K:11)
Pantone: 2635 C



RGB: 238, 236, 248
CMYK: (C:4, M:5, Y:0, K:3)
Pantone: 99-1 C

Light Background


RGB: 250, 249, 243
CMYK: (C:2, M:2, Y:0, K:1)
Pantone: N/A

Logo Text


RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: (C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:0)
Pantone: N/A

For logos & fonts, visit the Branding page.

Behavior / Conduct

See below.

Updated May 5, 2023

We strive to maintain a respectful and supportive environment for all. Poor conduct is not tolerated.

We reserve the right to dismiss any student for misconduct, disrespect, or disruptive behavior without the obligation to issue a refund.

Updated May 5, 2023

Alcohol beverages are NOT permitted at any location during any event.

Updated May 5, 2023

Use of illegal substances is NOT prohibited at any location or event, with no exceptions.

Updated May 5, 2023

Concealed or unconcealed firearms or weapons are NOT permitted at any location or event and are strictly prohibited, with no exceptions.

Updated May 5, 2023

Smoking or vaping is NOT allowed in public buildings or within 20 feet of any building entrance, according to Arizona State Law. No smoking is permitted inside any location. No vaping is allowed inside any area.

Updated May 5, 2023

Visit "Create" for all policies relating to studio art or working in the studio.

Information Technology, Software or Apps

See below.

We choose common platforms based on several issues.

  • What problem is this platform going to solve? We think critically about our needs and why we need to use them.
  • Will this platform integrate with existing software? We evaluate what current systems we have in place.
  • Who will be using this platform? Who will the platform affect? We evaluate who our stakeholders are or will be.
  • How many users will need to use it? Does it align with our policies? We evaluate the features or requirements we have.
  • Can we afford it? We evaluate the cost.

A point-of-sale (POS) payment software platform lets a business or individual accept credit card payments securely for a transaction fee. The Art Verve Academy uses external vendors/platforms to receive payments. They are free but charge us a merchant or transaction fee per credit card transaction.

We use Stripe. It has a certain level of encryption for credit card transactions that we trust and integrates with our registration forms.

We use PayPal. It has a secure level of encryption for credit card transactions and allows us to take payments, such as donations, without using an invoicing system.

We also use Wave Accounting for all of our bookkeeping and some transactions. It has a secure level of encryption for credit card transactions because it allows us to take electronic payments on any invoice using the Stripe encrypted software.

Per our privacy policy, we do not share personal information with anyone unless we have written consent from the individual in advance, allowing us to share it with other learners.

To help maintain this level of privacy, we use "Cognito Forms." It is a trusted platform safeguarding our data as it uses conditional logic to feed our CRM and accept payments with our point-of-sale-approved application, Stripe.

Per our privacy policy, we do not share personal information with anyone unless we have written consent from the individual in advance, allowing us to share it with other students.

To help maintain this level of privacy, we use "Insightly" as our Customer Relations Manager (CRM). They ensure our data is safe. We chose it because our database is backed up daily, securely transferred, and stored with military-grade encryption. It has included the following features.

  • Independently assessed for compliance with SOC 2 Type II.
  • Single-sign-on via industry-standard authentication protocols
  • Support for two-factor authentication
  • Encryption of data in transit and at rest
  • EU/US Privacy Shield and GDPR Compliance

Since not all US phones are set up for international calls, we use the "WhatsApp Messenger" app to communicate or text each other abroad. This uses your phone's internet connection, allowing you to message and/or call anyone anywhere.

Contact Form